I think I've officially reached that stage. I can't stop talking about Crossfit. My sister says I'm obsessed. I feel majority of the time that it is the best thing that I have done with my day. I feel so accomplished and I can't deny how much I love the compliments I get from loosing all of the inches. I literally hid the scale from myself because I swore off the idea that the scale was a definition. I wasn't overweight when I began my Crossfit journey. I was just out of shape. I actually haven't taken measurements either. I can just tell you from the clothes that I wear and the energy I have on a daily bases how much I've benefited from Crossfit.
Today's WOD (Workout of the Day) was very important to me. I petitioned for our box to do this Hero WOD. Hero WODs are signature workouts given specific names of service men and women who have died in combat. Well recently a Hero WOD was floating around Facebook designed after one of the teachers killed at the Newtown, Connecticut shooting, Victoria Soto. She was a teacher for 5 years in room 10. She died on 12/14/12. She was 27 years old. Because today is Christmas Eve, normal class times were not running. I woke up
bright and early to get to the 6 AM class before work. I was proud to see all of the people who showed up for this class. We did 5 rounds of 10 Thrusters, 14 Box Jumps, 12 Sumo Dead-lift High Pulls, 12 Burpees and 27 Kettle bell swings. It is workouts like this one that make me proud of the community that Crossfit inspires. I don't have any pictures of us completing the WOD. I have yet to get the hang of taking pictures on a regular basis, especially if I want to get serious about blogging. But you will see some in the future, sweaty mess and all.
And just to toot my own horn, I achieved a personal record this week of 105 lbs on the Clean and Jerk. To see an example of this I pulled a short YouTube video.
Clean and Jerk demonstration.
On a slightly different note. Merry Christmas!! I hope everyone is having a peaceful and lovely holiday. I'm glad to be able to spend it with my family. So from my family to yours, here is a little holiday cheer.
Zeta Eve (named after Christmas Eve, the day we got her) |
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year |
Wish we lived closer. I'm so inspired by Kettlebells..... Some might say I'm obsessed as much as you are with your Crossfit WODs. :)